We spend all day thinking about lovely home decor, and sweet, kind Meseidy over at The Noshery allowed us to wax poetic about our most recent favorite things. Read a snippet below.Trending: Rocks, Copper, Horses

Here’s a story I tell a lot: twenty-four-year-old me is at the local flea market gathering up all the brass animals in one booth. “I just love, really love, brass animals,” I excitedly tell the vendor, a rotund man with gentle eyes, wearing a top hat, flowing beard and vest, and who I’ve recently found out is nicknamed “Santa.” He tilts his head to the side and says the following in a tone that one uses to deliver a real zinger, “Well, maybe someday they will come back into style.” Ouch, Santa. Not exactly what you want to say to someone about your inventory before the transaction is complete. I should have asked for a discount since brass animals were so uncool, but instead, I looked the man in the eyes, said, “Sir, that day is sooner than you think,” and walked away with my treasures.

The following are some things that I’m buying up in troves because the day is upon us for these pieces. CONTINUE READING