Succulent Care Guide: Keeping Your Tiny Succulent Cute in its Terracotta Pot

Succulent Care Guide: Keeping Your Tiny Succulent Cute in its Terracotta Pot

Succulents in these teeny tiny terracotta pots are some of our shop favorites. Succulent Sara and her cousin Pat are constantly potting these babies to keep up with demand. Who could blame you all for wanting these? They're so cute!

One question we often get asked is, "how long can they live in this tiny pot?" The answer is, however long you want them to!

Succulents are like goldfish–they only get as big as their pot, and you don't ever have to transplant them to a bigger pot unless you want to. That said, your little guys may need some maintenance after living with you for a year or two. 

Follow the steps below to keep your baby succulent happily living in its tiny pot year after year.

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