Succulent Care Guide: Keeping Your Tiny Succulent Cute in its Terracotta Pot

Succulent Care Guide: Keeping Your Tiny Succulent Cute in its Terracotta Pot

Succulents in these teeny tiny terracotta pots are some of our shop favorites. Succulent Sara and her cousin Pat are constantly potting these babies to keep up with demand. Who could blame you all for wanting these? They're so cute!

One question we often get asked is, "how long can they live in this tiny pot?" The answer is, however long you want them to!

Succulents are like goldfish–they only get as big as their pot, and you don't ever have to transplant them to a bigger pot unless you want to. That said, your little guys may need some maintenance after living with you for a year or two. 

Follow the steps below to keep your baby succulent happily living in its tiny pot year after year.

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Succulent Case Study: Overwatering

Succulent Case Study: Overwatering

One hot summer afternoon, a worried customer brought in a succulent (pictured below) with hopes of a diagnosis and treatment plan. We Ashleys were happy to oblige and showed her to the Plant Bar.

The Symptoms: Some leaves appeared rubbery,  yellowish brown, and were starting to fall off. Note that it's normal for a succulent's lower leaves to shrivel and fall off as it grows; however, this rubbery look was not consistent with normal leaf shedding. 

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Simply Styled Shelves for Kitchen66 in Downtown Tulsa, Oklahoma

Simply Styled Shelves for Kitchen66 in Downtown Tulsa, Oklahoma

Our friends at The Idea Collective asked us to help with one of their Tulsa projects–Kitchen 66, an innovative kitchen space for food entrepreneurs, which includes a delicious restaurant, Cafe 66. This kitchen space and education for local food makers is a program developed by the Lobeck-Taylor Family Foundation. Read more about what this facility offers on their website.

Meanwhile, our part in the story of this kitchen kickstarter program was getting to stock and style the shelves on the cafe floor. We couldn't have been more excited. 

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Maintaining Your Older Succulent

Maintaining Your Older Succulent

Are you depressed because the succulent your friend gave you two years ago looks like this? That's what our friend Kathy told us when she brought this guy in. Never fear, we (and by we, I mean Sara) can help! 

First, Sara diagnosed Kathy's succulent as being generally healthy, but may have suffered from some frost bite in the past (darker areas on the stalk). Also, it could use some more light as the stem looks a bit stretched with the leaves farther apart than normal. Other than that, Kathy has done a great job as a succulent owner over the past two years.

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Succulent Care Guide: Succulents that need more water

Succulent Care Guide: Succulents that need more water

Oh hey

Succulents are known for their low water needs, but there are a few instances where you may need to water more often than typically recommended

  • If you own any of these more spindly succulents pictured, they may need a little more water than plumper varieties. They don't have the capacity to store water as well as some of the other succulents. If your thinner succulent seems dry or distressed, try giving it a smaller amount of water more often, even once a week. 
  • If you have purchased the tiny potted succulents from our shop, they need more regular watering due to the container, which is small and allows quick evaporation. Give these guys two tablespoons of water once a week.
  • Christmas Cacti have special needs to achieve optimal blooming. We've got a whole post on this topic.
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