Decorating your home: Why mixing old and new is a must

Decorating your home: Why mixing old and new is a must

We don't have many hard and fast rules when it comes to decorating your home. With a space that reflects you and your family as an end goal, we can find ways to make nearly anything work if it makes your heart sing. You want a ceramic chetah statue in your den? Do it. You want to have three patterned rugs in one room? Why not? No clothes storage in your bedroom? Sure thing.

So when we say we have one piece of advice that you shouldn't overlook, you know we mean it. Here's it is: mix old and new in your home. Just please do it. Sure, people balance this mix in different ways–some lean to the vintage side and others to the new, but it's the mix that's important. The mix, we say!

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Where Form Meets Function: Palmer's Mudroom

Where Form Meets Function: Palmer's Mudroom

My greatest achievement since moving into our current home was stopping my husband Patrick from spreading his change everywhere. Anyone else have that problem in their lives? Quarters on your bathroom sink. Pennies strewn across the kitchen counter. Dimes tucked between the sofa cushions. Sound familiar, anyone?

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Five Ways to Freshen Up Your Home This Spring

Five Ways to Freshen Up Your Home This Spring

Ahhh, springtime! The warm breezes, the chirping birds, the blooming flowers. Springtime always puts a little bounce in my step and gets me itching to spruce up my home. If you're also feeling the pull of springtime home revitalization, then this post is for you! I've put together a list of five easy things you can do to freshen up your home this spring.

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Small Shifts Can Make Your Home Feel Better

Small Shifts Can Make Your Home Feel Better

The other week I invited Daly over to help me prep for a photo session we had scheduled at my house. I've spent a lot of time and energy over the past year and a half decorating our home, but one room I had somewhat neglected was the den.

The den serves many purposes for our family. It's a TV lounge, an office for my husband and a play area for our daughter. In other words, it gets lived in a lot. The den was actually an addition to our 1950s ranch house that was built in the 60s. Luckily, they matched the stone to the main part of the house, so it doesn't look like an extra room tacked on from the outside. However, on the inside, there are a couple of interesting things going on.

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